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Quick start

This doc will use the local development node and the protocol_impl as a sample.


You must install Rust and Deno to build the node and run the demo.

Clone the repo

git clone

Build the node

cargo build --release

Cache dependencies for the demo app

This is necessary.

cd protocol_impl
rm deno.lock # For unknown reason, may change files' SHA which will break Deno's security check
deno cache --reload ./main.ts

If you wanna run echo sample

cd examples/simple_echo
rm deno.lock
deno cache --reload ./main.ts

If you wanna run imaginator (AIGC) sample

cd examples/imaginator
rm deno.lock
deno cache --reload ./main.ts

Run and configure local test network

Start the local test network

target/release/cybros-node --dev

Once the node started, you can connect it with Polkadot-JS Apps front-end to interact with the chain.

Register an impl and an impl build

Use Alice to send the extrinsic offchainComputingInfra.registerImpl(attestationMethod)

  • attestationMethod Choose OptOut means the Impl doesn't support attestation

Submit the extrinsic, then you should get the success event on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingInfra.ImplRegistered { implId: 101 }

Use Alice to send the extrinsic offchainComputingInfra.registerImplBuild(implId, version, magicBytes)

  • implId fill 101 (we got the implId from previous extrinsic)
  • version can fill 1 (it accepts any number larger than 0)
  • magicBytes keep None (It uses for TEE)

Submit the extrinsic, then you should see the success event on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingInfra.ImplBuildRegistered

Create a pool

Use Alice to send the extrinsic offchainComputingPool.createPool(implId, createJobEnabled, autoDestroyProcessedJobEnabled)

  • implId fill 101
  • createJobEnabled choose Yes or the pool will not allow to create new job
  • autoDestroyProcessedJobEnabled can choose Yes

Submit the extrinsic, then you should see the success event on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingPool.PoolCreated { poolId: 101, ... }

Create a job policy

Use Alice to send the extrinsic offchainComputingPool.createJobPolicy(poolId, applicableScope, startBlock, endBlock)

  • poolId fill 101 (we got the poolId from previous extrinsic)
  • applicableScope can choose Public which means anyone could use the policy
  • startBlock and endBlock can keep None which means the policy never expires

Submit the extrinsic, then you should see the success event on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingPool.JobPolicyCreated { policyId: 1, ... }

Start a worker

We use simple_echo as an example

cd protocol_impl
EXECUTOR_PATH="./examples/simple_echo" ./ --owner-phrase "//Alice" --subscribe-pool 101 --impl 101 --rpcUrl ws://

After the program launches, you can see the worker's address from the output:

Worker address: 5CmLkeupoN7tSthSD6hFj9wHYc9RyMRAWb38uo5BD6LEViGw

Wait for few seconds, then you should see events on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingInfra.WorkerRegistered
  • offchainComputingInfra.WorkerOnline

Add the worker to the pool

Use Alice to send the extrinsic offchainComputingPool.authorizeWorker(poolId, worker)

  • poolId fill 101
  • worker fill 5CmLkeupoN7tSthSD6hFj9wHYc9RyMRAWb38uo5BD6LEViGw (we got the address from the worker starting)

Submit the extrinsic, then you should see the success event on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingPool.WorkerAuthorized

Wait for few seconds, then you should see the event:

  • offchainComputingPool.WorkerSubscribed

Create a job

Send the extrinsic offchainComputingPool.createJob(poolId, policyId, implSpecVersion, input, softExpiresIn)

  • poolId fill 101
  • policyId fill 1
  • implSpecVersion fill 1
  • input you can fill Hello World !!!
  • softExpiresIn can keep None

Submit the extrinsic, then you should see the success event on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingPool.JobCreated { jobId: 1, ... }

Keep watching, you should see these events:

  • offchainComputingPool.JobAssigned
  • offchainComputingPool.JobStatusUpdated { status: Processing }
  • offchainComputingPool.JobResultUpdated { result: Sucess, output: "Hello World !!!", ... }
  • offchainComputingPool.JobStatusUpdated { status: Processed }

Destroy the processed job, releasing reserving tokens

You don't need to do this step if you set autoDestroyProcessedJobEnabled: true when creating the pool

Send the extrinsic use the job's creator account offchainComputingPool.destroyJob(poolId, jobId)

  • poolId fill 101
  • jobId fill 1

Submit the extrinsic, then you should see the success event on the Network -> Explorer page:

  • offchainComputingPool.JobDestroyed { poolId: 101, jobId: 1 }